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Brooke Gazer
writer, expat, entrepreneur
Recent Posts


Taking Stock of Our Renovation in Mexico
It has been a year since we arrived in Merida. I’d hoped that our renovation would be complete by now, but that was unrealistic. Before...

The Eye Huatulco October 2017 When I think about traditional Mexican design, the first image that pops into my head is a huge terra cotta...

Changed Careers to Move to Huatulco
As a golf course superintendent in Wyoming, Dan had a lot of downtime in the winter, so he and his wife were able to travel extensively....

A Nomad Finds His Home in Oaxaca
Erich has always been a nomad. Born and educated in Germany, work took him to Chile, the Ivory Coast and Brazil. Eight months of...

Sailed In and Decided to Stay
In 2010, Vivien, and her husband Joel, sailed away from San Francisco. They were taking their time, stopping in several ports in Mexico,...

A Hair Colorist Jumps Off the Treadmill
Kimberley and her husband moved to Huatulco from Edmonton, Alberta in 2010. “When he retired, Randy decided it would be cheaper to live...
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